Living History Day
On the southern end of Broxton Bridge Plantation there is an old battleground, complete with all the breastworks, left over from the south's defenses on February 2, 1865 – 156 years ago. The northern army was in route from Savannah, Georgia, to Columbia, South Carolina, and the battles at Broxton Bridge and Rivers Bridge on the Salkehatchie River were the last big defensive effort for the Confederates before the battle at Columbia.
Schedule and Fees
Living History Day for schoolchildren to tour is Friday, March 4th, beginning at 9 a.m.
Camps are open Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm and Sunday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.
The battle reenactments will be at 2:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday, March 5th and March 6th.
For Reenactors there will be a $15.00 registration fee for participates ages 18+.
One-day admission: ages 5 and under Free, ages 6 - 17 $3.00 and age 18 and over $10.00. Armbands will be given out at gate or RV Park. Charge for admission whether camping or not.
Parking is free.
HL Hunley Exhibit will be featured again.
Social distancing observed. There will be vendors with available food and wares'
This event is sponsored by Salt-Ketchers Chapter #6 Order of Confederate Rose, a 501 (C) 3 non-profit organization.
Dear Teachers and Friends,
You and your students are invited to attend the 20th annual Living History/Education Day at Broxton Bridge Plantation on Friday, March 5th, beginning at 9:00 am. Do not miss this FREE fun and hands-on way for your students to learn about life during the 1800s while also satisfying the SC standards. This event will be held at the earthworks built in 1865 by Confederate forces defending the Salkehatchie River from Federal forces. Students will be able to see the cannons and soldiers in the fort as they would have been in Feb. 1865. Among the many learning stations may be a Revolutionary War era camp, Indian culture and artifacts, a display of firearms and weapons from the 1800s, cavalrymen and their horses, blacksmithing, demonstrations of loading and FIRING of Civil War era cannons and much more.
It is free to all school students, teachers and chaperones. Reservations are required as space is limited. All students attending will be given a free pass to the re-enactment on the day of their choice (Saturday or Sunday at 2:00 pm). Food is available for sale at our Concessions. Our concession stand is run by Mary Foster. She will have special prices for the children's meals on Friday. Teachers, please call Mary at Farm Little Food Services at 703-999-5689 to arrange the meals for your children and the times you would like your students to eat. She will have a CB basket with fries and drink, a hot dog basket with fries and drink, and a popcorn chicken basket with fries and drink.